steve jobs before after

2010: the year Apple, Steve Jobs became a cultural phenomenon

2010: the year Apple, Steve Jobs became a cultural phenomenon

Steve Jobs, before and after photograph. Hormone Imbalance

Steve Jobs, before and after photograph. Hormone Imbalance

Steve Jobs: Before and After. credit of the right pic: Mike Kepka / The

Steve Jobs: Before and After. credit of the right pic: Mike Kepka / The

Steve Jobs - 2007/2008 | Before and After. September 2007 (left) / September

Steve Jobs - 2007/2008 | Before and After. September 2007 (left) / September

Steve Jobs recently announced

Steve Jobs recently announced

Tabloid claims Steve Jobs has 6 weeks to live

Tabloid claims Steve Jobs has 6 weeks to live

Steve Jobs Treated His Cancer At Veggie Restaurant?

Steve Jobs Treated His Cancer At Veggie Restaurant?

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs

Artypo – Steve Jobs – Before / After Photoshop. 08.04.10 | Advertising

Artypo – Steve Jobs – Before / After Photoshop. 08.04.10 | Advertising

Artypo – Steve Jobs – Before / After Photoshop. 08.04.10 | Advertising

Artypo – Steve Jobs – Before / After Photoshop. 08.04.10 | Advertising

In 2008, before taking a leave from Apple, Steve Jobs spoke cryptically

In 2008, before taking a leave from Apple, Steve Jobs spoke cryptically

Bungie Studios, before they were known for the Halo series, was a dedicated

Bungie Studios, before they were known for the Halo series, was a dedicated

In one of the photos, Jobs

In one of the photos, Jobs

And so after 6 months of college, having no idea what he wanted

And so after 6 months of college, having no idea what he wanted

Steve Jobs's decade-old uniform of jeans, sneakers and black

Steve Jobs's decade-old uniform of jeans, sneakers and black

These before-and-after diagrams, reposted with permission from the Mayo

These before-and-after diagrams, reposted with permission from the Mayo

Right after the break, but before the rest of our coverage.

Right after the break, but before the rest of our coverage.

Steve Galvanize Pictures Before And Padrones

Steve Galvanize Pictures Before And Padrones

steve-jobs.jpg. [via BUZZFEED]. NEW YORK TIMES: Even before the dust has

steve-jobs.jpg. [via BUZZFEED]. NEW YORK TIMES: Even before the dust has

Artypo – Steve Jobs – Before / After Photoshop ». 0 Comment

Artypo – Steve Jobs – Before / After Photoshop ». 0 Comment