drilled shaft foundations

Drilled Shaft Foundation

Drilled Shaft Foundation

Candidates for a drilled shaft foundation include multi-story buildings,

Candidates for a drilled shaft foundation include multi-story buildings,

“Case History: Utilizing Load Test Data to Value Engineer Drilled Shaft

“Case History: Utilizing Load Test Data to Value Engineer Drilled Shaft

(41.7 m) deep drilled shaft constructed by ADSC-members drilled by shaft

(41.7 m) deep drilled shaft constructed by ADSC-members drilled by shaft

Mini-SID (Shaft Inspection Device) being lowered into the shaft:

Mini-SID (Shaft Inspection Device) being lowered into the shaft:

This is for a drilled shaft foundation for the Dead End Structure – part of

This is for a drilled shaft foundation for the Dead End Structure – part of

Drilled Shaft Foundation Reinforcement

Drilled Shaft Foundation Reinforcement

Figure 6: Installation of Drilled Shaft Reinforcing Cage for Bridge Pivot.

Figure 6: Installation of Drilled Shaft Reinforcing Cage for Bridge Pivot.

O'Keefe Drilling setting up for start of drilled shaft foundations.

O'Keefe Drilling setting up for start of drilled shaft foundations.

Drilled shaft construction

Drilled shaft construction

 concrete construction: Soil auger bit on Case Foundation drilled shaft

concrete construction: Soil auger bit on Case Foundation drilled shaft

Workers are drilling the hole in which to place a drilled shaft,

Workers are drilling the hole in which to place a drilled shaft,

C. One type of foundation for a skyscraper uses steel piles to secure the

C. One type of foundation for a skyscraper uses steel piles to secure the

Figure 7: Drilled Shaft Support for Bridge Pivot.

Figure 7: Drilled Shaft Support for Bridge Pivot.

“Recipe for Success with Drilled Shaft Concrete,” Foundation Drilling

“Recipe for Success with Drilled Shaft Concrete,” Foundation Drilling

Distribution of End Bearing and Tip Shear on Drilled Shafts Founded in

Distribution of End Bearing and Tip Shear on Drilled Shafts Founded in

Straight Shaft Drilled Concrete Pier Foundation

Straight Shaft Drilled Concrete Pier Foundation

At multiple locations, installation of drilled shaft foundations for

At multiple locations, installation of drilled shaft foundations for

 drilled shaft foundations, lateral earth pressure, pile foundations,

drilled shaft foundations, lateral earth pressure, pile foundations,

A crew lowers a rebar cage into a newly drilled shaft.

A crew lowers a rebar cage into a newly drilled shaft.